PROJECT 486: A Patient’s Reflection on Her Medical Abortion Procedure (Abortion Pills: Mifepristone and Misoprostol or Cytotec, Philippines)

<for more patient reflections, click here > Hello. I finally finished writing my story almost a week after the abortion. Yes, it took me a week to write and rewrite and I don't know why I found it difficult to sum up my experience in a simple narrative. Ang hirap pala magsulat. Maybe because the "experience" is not as simple as I wanted to believe. I would like to start with how I knew I was pregnant (though I know you already know the common symptoms). I missed a period but I was not that worried at first because I occasionally get irregular cycles. However, I noticed how irritable I was with almost anything! Kahit sa tunog lang ng ringtone ng ibang tao. I was also so emotional that I would cry after watching video clips about puppies or even after reading a random story in Facebook. Pizza no longer excites me. I could not even imagine myself eating pizza again. I felt bloated, ugly, and was always tired. I remember taking 2-hour naps ev...